Thursday, October 29, 2009

Curricular Unit Outline Rough Draft-Attempt 2

Rachel Socia
October 20, 2009
Social Studies Methods

2.5. Students describe the human characteristics of familiar places and varied backgrounds of U.S. citizens and residents in those places.

1. Distinguish traditional food, customs, sports and games, and music from other countries that can be found in the U.S. today. (P, S)
2. Describe beliefs, customs, ceremonies, and traditions of the varied cultures, drawing from folklore. (P, S)
3. Explain the ways in which we are all part of the same community, sharing principles, goals, and traditions despite varied ancestry. (e pluribus unum) (P, S)
4. Understand the significance of the Statue of Liberty and how many people have come to the U.S., and continue to come here, from all around the world. (I, P, S)

Date Topic Lesson Homework
Day 1 Introduction Mystery Box: Statue of Liberty

Read At Ellis Island Ask your parents where they/ grandparents/ancestors came from? Record answers on interview sheet
Day 2 Class Cultures Share family histories in a circle on the rug

While sharing have students keep a tally of where students’ families are originally from

Have students organize this data

Start Molly’s Pilgrim as read aloud
Bring in costume for Ellis Island activity
Day 3 Ellis Island Molly’s Priligrim read aloud

Students reenact what its like to go through Ellis Island, with some playing health inspectors, some immigrants
Day 4 Statue of Liberty/ Welcoming people to America Read Emma Lazarus’s New Collosssus and break down meaning

Students write their own inscriptions for Statue of Liberty onto work sheet with picture of SOL which they can then color (30 minutes)

Learn the Song “This Land is Your Land” (15 minutes)

Molly’s Pilgrim Read Aloud (10 minutes)

Day 5 E Pluribus Unum In pairs or groups of three, students make Venn Diagrams comparing themselves with each other, give students a list of questions to ask each other ( 20 minutes)

Students make life size self portraits writing important ‘about me’ details in designated spots
Day 6 Read The Talking Eggs

Learn the Song “Follow the Drinking Gourd”
Day 7 Sports and Games
Day 8 Read How Many Days to America?

Learn the Song Day-O
Day 9 The First Thanksgiving Learn the Song Over the River and Through the Woods (10 minutes)
Day 10 Class makes a list of their favorite foods then they teacher helps to label where each of the foods originally came from
Make list of five things that you are thankful for
Day 11 Make foods:

While ‘cooking’ play multicultural music Gather/make any additional dishes for class party (really HW for parents)
Day 12 Thanksgiving Party: Students eat foods they made, sing the songs they learned, and read their “ I am thankful for…”

Parents are invited to join Enjoy the Holiday!

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