Thursday, August 27, 2009

Social Identity Inventory

I am a daughter...I know this because my mom is the first person I call if I have a problem
I am a big sister...I know this because I have answered many middle of the night phone calls that start with "come get me and don't tell mom"
I am a camp counselor/babysitter/friend to children...I know this because every summer I come home from work covered in grass stains and glitter with a smile on my face and can't go out in public without being greeted by at least one child
I am a student...I know this because I am always in class or doing homework
I am a Jewish American...I know this because I observe holidays and teach Hebrew school
I am a Syracusian...I know this because I'm not scared of a little snow
I am a swimmer...I know this because I get excited everytime I smell chlorine